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The Journey to the "New You" – Embracing the Uncomfortable to Discover More

Nov 6, 2024

2 min read




Becoming the “new you” is exhilarating, but let’s be honest—it’s also uncomfortable. You’re stepping out of old habits, saying goodbye to familiar patterns, and entering uncharted territory. Change, even for the better, requires patience, consistency, and a little bit of grit. But here’s the beautiful part: on the other side of that discomfort lies growth.

It’s easy to shy away from what challenges us because it feels safe to stay where we are. But when you’re ready for change, embracing the uncomfortable parts allows you to discover more about yourself than ever before. You’ll uncover layers of resilience you didn’t know you had, tap into a sense of discipline that pushes you further, and find confidence in showing up every day, even when it's hard.

So defy your default. Your habits. What are you working towards changing? What is something you say about yourself? For example, you might say, "I am someone who hates working out."

But if you are consistently working out several days a week... is that actually an expression that defines you? If you stopped working out because you "hate it so much", wouldn't you miss it? Wouldn't you crave movement? The feeling you have after it's finished? The itch, the arousal your body starts to feel before you do your workout?

Think of your habit like an addiction. When you are not in the habit of working out and you begin... you have these withdrawal symptoms. It would be so much easier to sleep in, you're sore as heck and tired. Like an addiction, it get's worse before it gets better. But if you keep your workouts to be the same time every day. Each rep becomes a little bit easier and the feeling of not working out becomes more distant. Your body starts to anticipate what's going to happen. You'll have this little nudge in the back of your head, your heart might start to pound a bit faster as your body prepares for you to begin working out. This just goes to show, your default is not your destiny.

This journey isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. Each step is a lesson, each stumble is a reminder that you’re doing something new, something that matters. Remember, discomfort is simply a signal that you’re growing. You’re evolving into a version of yourself that’s stronger, wiser, and truer to what you want to be.

So as you continue down this path, embrace the small wins and don’t shy away from the discomfort. It’s the gateway to the “new you” that’s waiting to be revealed, a version of yourself that you’ll love even more for everything it took to get there.

Nov 6, 2024

2 min read





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